
Meter readings, remote reading, and consumption accounting for water and heat in Bologna and surrounding areas

ELCA began operations in Bologna in 1961. Since then, we have specialised in meter readings, consumption accounting, and billing for potable water and heat usage. Supported by a professional team, advanced management skills, and continual technological innovation, we are now one of the leading specialists in the region. Our services ease the workload for property managers and building owners.
Contact us at our offices on Via Artieri 2, Bologna, to explore our services in meter reading, consumption accounting, and billing for potable water and heat usage.

Water consumption accounting

Providing services for meter reading, consumption accounting, and billing for potable water and heat requires keeping up-to-date with industry regulations. As of 1 January 2017, all properties with central heating must be equipped with individual meters to measure the actual consumption of heating, cooling, or hot water for each unit. In certain cases, this solution may be impractical or inefficient in terms of cost.

In such instances, individual heat regulation and consumption accounting systems can be installed. We are committed to managing and accounting for heat and cooling consumption using these alternative methods.

Water, heat, and property management

We work closely with property management services to handle the allocation of water and heat usage. Our team is responsible for reading the individual sub-meters in each property unit (flats, shops, commercial spaces) and managing billing to individual users, as well as paying the utility bill addressed to the condominium.

This activity is an essential part of our meter reading, consumption accounting, and billing services for potable water and heat.
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