Frequently Asked Questions

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Why choose our services?
In a condominium, there is a single main meter, owned by the utility provider, that records the total consumption of potable water for the units within the building. Individual (sub-metering) meters are installed to serve each apartment, at the users' expense, who are both owners and responsible for them. ELCA provides all the services necessary to allocate the overall charge across the individual apartments, based on the main meter, and to collect the corresponding amounts.
How to make use of our services?
Our company operates in Bologna and all municipalities in the province. To access the services offered, simply contact the condominium administrator, who will request a quote from us.

The matter will then be raised at a condominium meeting, and following approval, the appointment must be confirmed via written communication.
What are the advantages?
Frequent readings of the sub-metering allow for early detection of any leaks within the apartment. Billing based on actual consumption, as calculated according to the rates applied by the utility provider (and not based on shares or the number of people), allows each user to pay accurately for what they actually use.
We have installed a heat accounting system
ELCA can manage the allocation of heating and cooling costs in accordance with the UNI 10200/2015 standard. This includes: local or remote reading of consumption (tele-reading); reporting of any anomalies (such as malfunctions of the heat allocators); cost allocation; issuing periodic bills for each user; and producing summary reports for the administrator.
Which systems can you manage?
ELCA can interface with the main heat accounting systems such as, for example, Save Energy, Sontex, Caleffi, Siemens, Baxi, and others.
What is the settlement adjustment?
The settlement adjustment is a figure used to "compensate" any difference between the utility provider's bill and the sum of all amounts calculated for individual condominium units.  
How many readings are performed in a year?
A company representative, with proper identification, will perform between two and four readings a year, depending on whether hot water meters are also present.

The user can still communicate their meter reading in order to receive the most accurate bill possible and avoid inconveniences such as:
  • Excessive consumption charges
  • High bills due to missed prior readings
  • Temporary settlement adjustments for the condominium.
How can I report my meter readings?
Meter readings can be communicated:
  • Via the card left by the meter reader
  • By phone
  • By fax
  • By email to letture@elcasas.it
  • Directly at our offices
  • Via SMS
  • Through the App or on our website
To avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended to attach a photo of the meter and include your name or user code when possible.
How can I pay my bill?
The bill can be paid using the following methods:
  • Via postal payment slip to the bank account 294405, made out to ELCA - Esazione Lettura Contatori Acqua di Tasini Claudia & C. s.a.s. When using blank payment slips, please ensure that your user code and invoice number are specified in the payment description.
  • By bank transfer, specifying the following IBAN: IT 93 B 05034 02433 000000001521. When making a bank transfer, please also specify your user code and invoice number in the payment reference.
  • By direct debit from your bank account (by submitting a completed SEPA Direct Debit Mandate form to our offices).
Can I pay my bill in instalments?
An instalment payment option can be requested for bills with amounts exceeding €100.
The invoice following the instalment plan will include the costs of the operation, charged at a fixed percentage.
Bills for cold water consumption only can be paid in two or, at most, three equal instalments, with the first due on the natural due date of the document.
Instalment requests must be made and agreed upon before the due date of the invoice.
Payments can be made by postal order or via bank/postal transfer.
If payments are missed, the related administrative and postal costs will be recovered.
Requests made after the due date will not be considered.
Invoices that include hot water consumption can be paid in two instalments, to be agreed before the natural due date of the documents.
For further information, please contact customer service.
Can I use SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) for bank/postal direct debits?
To set up a direct debit from your bank or postal account via SEPA Direct Debit (formerly RID), the user can download the required authorisation request form from the "Forms" section of our website, or request it from our offices.
The form must be completed and submitted to our offices as indicated on the form.

Please remember to sign the form and attach a photocopy of a valid ID document for the account holder.
How can I close a contract?
You need to provide written notice via email and/or fax, indicating the date and the meter reading for the user, as well as a contact address for sending the final invoice.

To simplify the process, you can download the relevant form from the "Forms" section of our website.
How can I transfer the contract (take over)?
Please send written notice with the following details:
  • The address, floor, and unit number of the property being transferred;
  • The meter readings;
  • The transfer date;
  • The name of the new account holder, including their tax code and/or VAT number;
  • The number of people who will be "residents" at the property.
To simplify the process, you can download the relevant form from the "Forms" section of our website.
Can I save on my bill?
Yes, it’s possible by adopting simple habits and regularly checking the condition of your home's plumbing system. It may sound surprising, but a leaking toilet or a dripping tap can waste up to 250 litres of water a day.
Visit the dedicated water-saving section to find out what simple daily actions can help you save.

Jurisdiction: per ogni controversia legale che dovesse insorgere fra le Parti circa la validità, l'interpretazione o l'esecuzione del Servizio e della Delega Condominiale, sarà esclusivamente competente il Foro di Bologna.

Billing Periodicity for Consumption: Elca has the discretion to issue invoices with different periods (quarterly, four-monthly, semi-annually, or annually), provided this does not hinder the correct application of tariffs.

What is ATERSIR?
The ATO (Optimal Territorial Area) entities were introduced in 1999 by regional legislation to overcome fragmentation and ensure the unified management of public services, according to efficiency, effectiveness, and cost criteria. Since 2012, the functions of the nine ATOs in the Emilia Romagna region have been integrated into ATERSIR (Territorial Agency of Emilia Romagna for Water and Waste Services), as per regional law no. 23 of 23 December 2011.
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